Friday, April 1, 2016

Getting to Know My Blog!

Hey Everyone!

Since I've started Clouds Over Mind, I've come up with some really cool ideas. I want to be able to expand this blog and hopefully make this a business. I am open to suggestions and ideas from you too!

I am going to be doing some more reviews on the new products that i have purchased. There is a poll on my sidebar that you can take to help me decide which one to do first! I will post based on which has the highest votes.

If you can, please let others know about my blog and help me to make it the best.

Also if you like cakes & crafts or need advice, check my Aunts blogs.. P.s. She is the one who helped me set all this up, and she talked me into it!

Outrages Cakes & Crafts
Ask Monae

1 comment:

Thank you so much!