Monday, May 6, 2019

My Meaning In life.

Hey guys! I'm back and definitely, will not be leaving this time, I wanted to come back with my whole new perspective of my life and things that have sparked my interest over the past year.

This blog will be flipped and turned upside down so I can start new and begin doing stuff that I'd hope you guys would enjoy reading and I will enjoy typing. Please enjoy a little essay that I wrote, I'd thought I should share and maybe it will be helpful to others. Enjoy!

The meaning of life has always been a question since the day I was able to truly understand what life is about, I see those who live either a “happy or sad” life. Life’s meaning is truly whatever you make it be, where you decide to go, or how you can contribute to those around you. People often think that living there life to the fullest is living for someone else, which I believe isn’t true you should always live for yourself and whatever makes you happy even if it makes others upset. A Life is a Life and being alive is truly wonderful once you find you’re meaning, that’s a phrase that I choose to live by.
I began to think about my meaning and purpose for life as I started getting closer and closer to graduation, just the thought of it made me sick. It was so bad that all I wanted to do was crawl into a ball and just stay in bed, it gave me so much anxiety. After graduation, there was so many choices to be made and things that had to be done with my life, and I just sat there for a week I was trying to figure out what it is that I should do what’s my purpose!? My mind was running rapidly and I just felt so confused with myself it made me feel empty inside.
I began to think and have conversations with myself asking questions like” what is it that I should be doing?”, “Am I ever going to be of any importance?”, “Will I make it out in the real world?” Such things went through my mind and I was just kind of shocked at myself, I had so much confidence going through high school into my senior year having a plan and everything. Sometimes things don’t always go as you planned things and I was completely fine with that, but I never would’ve expected that I would be thinking about my purpose would come at me as hard as it did.
 That year of 2018 was a big headache, but the amount of thinking about me and my life was an adventure I had to think outside the box and try many new things. Into the fall season, I joined a community college after much thought of going to a university, it was truly a life-changing choice and one that I’m proud of making. Being that a university needed all of my time and effort focusing on myself wasn’t going to be in the thought process, so the community college was my best bet, so I took the leap. It’s now my second semester and I’ve given much thought into my purpose of life I believe that I’m out here on this earth to be an inspiration.
I’ve always been the type of person to make friends quickly and the friends that I would attract would always be troubled people with unknown paths and never knowing what to do with their life. I’ve never blinked an eye at anyone who has ever asked for my help in guiding them or needing advice, I feel like everyone could use some help in any situation. I always choose to show kindness to all the people I’ve met and honestly it’s made me a better person and it’s given others the light that they need in their life.  
I enjoy being a light to others it makes me feel so much better about myself knowing that I was able to help someone, by giving advice or even just being kind to those who don’t deserve my kindness. I believe this because I look up to someone else who is an inspiration to me, she is the best and I wouldn’t be the way I am without her guidance. Being looked up to can be so rewarding at the end of the day, being an Inspiration is my true calling and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

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