Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Alright alright, yes I know I've been gone for the longest time...okay it's been like a year. Anyways my dearest apologies my friends, I have been slacking very hard my baddd :(. You see my mind was not in the blogging area type thing *insert rolling eyes emoji* is it to late now to say sorry? Geez I've stop withe the Justin Bieber references, Shout out to all my beliebers out there!

So here is the thing I'm sitting here in my room sipping my coffee with my cat in the window, feeling super tumblr right now.I mean that is something tumblr right? I really wouldn't know to be honest with you guys :). I'm lame...just kidding I'm fantastic as heck! Wow.. fantastic baby DANCE WOHOO! yet another song reference.

Anyways, my computer like a little while ago I picked it up and the screen broke...yes I know the shame I was distraught. So it was still usable like the whole keyboard I connected it to another screen, until recently it was working just fine...NOW THAT SCREEN DON'T WORK NO MORE, but luckily the lord is on my side THANK YOU JESUS.

My screen is alive on one side! I can see one part of the screen even though it glitches it still works good enough! I'm soooo happy you don't even know how long it has been since I've been able to see this screen and have my computer in my room! 

Besides my computer problem it has nothing to do with my non-bloggingness... I just haven't been up for doing some post, now of course my family has mentioned for me to get back on. I wasn't listening , but as I'm sitting here listening to music, and I'm determined to get this blog up and running again. I want to be spitting out new post to you guys like I used too!

I really enjoy making these post and sharing my personality with other people, so I'm back guys  I'M BACK LIKE A BOOTY CRACK...okay gross.I'm going to be coming at you guys with tons of song references, reviews, updates, miscellaneous stuff, and I'll be soon making YouTube videos as well!

So guys please stay with me and wait for my new post I'll be spitting out soon!

Also while your at it Check out my aunts blogs, along with our family shop!

1 comment:

Thank you so much!