
Thursday, February 9, 2017

MyHair Dye Story Part 4

Sup, Yo, Hello, Hey Guys , Hi friends! :) I believe that yesterday I forgot to  make a post and I was like laying in bed Heart really? You didn't even blog today what type of human are you? A bad one that's what.

Anyways, I also realized I still haven't finished my hair dye story yet *insert rolling eyes emoji* Soooo today I'm going to finish it off with Part 4 of my hair dye story. Please sit back and relax at my horrendous doings of my hair :)))

Monday, February 6, 2017

10 Facts About Me!!

Hello Guys!  I'm here this pretty rainy Monday with a 10 facts about me post. You know it's just a little something so you guys can get to know me better! And yes that is me in the picture, and no my hair is no longer that color but it will be. :))))

Friday, February 3, 2017

Music Playlist Part 2

Hey hey hey! What's up guys I'm here his wondrous Friday to tell you some of my favorite songs as of lately. Now of course over the time I was "gone" my music has definitely changed like language wise...:) Anyway you shouldn't judge music by it's language, just the same as you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover right?

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Alright alright, yes I know I've been gone for the longest time...okay it's been like a year. Anyways my dearest apologies my friends, I have been slacking very hard my baddd :(. You see my mind was not in the blogging area type thing *insert rolling eyes emoji* is it to late now to say sorry? Geez I've stop withe the Justin Bieber references, Shout out to all my beliebers out there!